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Support Us

Support Us

Since 1977, Abilene Preservation League (APL) has celebrated Abilene's historic built environment — Places that reflect the history and character of the city. Through charitable support, advocacy, education, recognition, and volunteerism, the APL seeks to inspire locals to respect, save, and preserve the past, ensuring a richer, more informed future for us all. Your donation helps us to maintain our obligation to preserve and protect the historic properties in Abilene, Texas through these efforts and more! 

Donations will be made through PayPal. Other forms of payment, such as a check, can be made payable to "Abilene Preservation League" and sent to 1174 N. 1st St. Abilene, Texas 79601. 

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If you have chosen the Living History Cemetery Tour as the focus of your support, please select one of the sponsorship types below.
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