Our Mission
The Abilene Preservation League is a non-profit organization established in 1977 to preserve historic properties and promote preservation in Abilene, Texas.
Today, it continues to honor the mission of those pioneering individuals by promoting alternatives to demolition when structures or sites are threatened with loss, due to neglect and deterioration, or new site development. The Abilene Preservation League also promotes increased public awareness and participates with other public and private organizations to save, restore and preserve historically significant structures.
The Elks Arts Center, pictured right, is our headquarters.
Tickets are available TODAY at the T&P Depot from 9-5!
Abilene Railroad Festival September 5-7, 2024
THE GROUND IS RUMBLING ‘CAUSE WE’RE STEAMING INTO TOWN! The APL is excited to announce the RETURN of the Abilene Railroad Festival! Once an Abilene spectacle in the 90’s has now been brought back to life!
Our Impact this Year
Thanks for helping us preserve historic properties and promote preservation!
We exist to raise awareness for our cause and to protect the history that has brought us to where we are today.
Current Projects
Organization Events
Dollars Raised